The Power of a Coupon

We know what you’re thinking: does a coupon really make THAT much of a difference when it comes to sales? 

No matter how you slice it, the answer is a resounding YES! Deals motivate shoppers. Coupons increase the possibility of an impulse buy, the purchase of multiples, or help to cross-promote another related product. 

But how consumers discover and use coupons has changed significantly in recent years. How can you effectively communicate to your customers in this new era? 

Let’s find out.

A New World of Couponing

Slowly but surely, the days of coupon cutting continue to diminish. While close to 90% of Americans took advantage of coupons back in 2020 (Statista), only 10% of shoppers said they prefer newspaper clippings (Blipper).  

Fewer and fewer people are bringing physical coupons into the store; time to get creative about communicating ongoing promotions.

There’s a simple solution: meet them where they are by offering the coupon right on your product.

On-pack advertising for Oberto.The Power of On-Pack Coupons

On-pack advertising – especially Instant Redeemable Coupons (IRCs) – are adhered directly to the product, communicating the promotion loud and proud. This type of coupon offers consumers a discount they can redeem right at the checkout counter—a sharp departure from the days when coupons were applicable only on future purchases. 

This advertising method allows you to reap the benefits of coupons without relying on customers to do the heavy lifting, i.e., remembering to bring the coupon from home. In fact, IRCs have the highest redemption rate of any option out there. 

As people scout for deals in-store, on-pack coupons effectively communicate discounts right there on the shelf. You can use them to promote:

  • Price reductions
  • Bundle deals
  • Rebates
  • Buy One, Get One (BOGO) opportunities
  • Brand messaging
  • Larger purchases  

Insignia takes your coupon game to a whole new level. Check out our Instant Redeemable Coupons to see our style in action. 

An IRC for Cabot Cheese. On-pack advertising can make a huge difference to sales.Differentiate Yourself From the Competition

When a customer stands at the shelf, they take in a lot of information. A well-crafted, on-pack coupon makes the choice between your product and your competitors an easy decision! In fact, “89% of millennials said they’d try out a new brand if they were offered a coupon” (Statista). Gen X is close behind them, with 86%. Gen Z and Baby Boomers aren’t far behind, with 78% and 76% positive responses to the question, respectively. 

That’s reason to celebrate! A strategic and effective on-pack advertising campaign could be the deciding factor to try your brand and ultimately switch over completely. Hello, new lifelong customer.


Harness The Potential of On-Pack Advertising

Capture the attention of shoppers while there is still room in their cart. Insignia Systems has on-pack advertising designed to boost sales and brand awareness, even on the most crowded shelf. Whether you’ve experimented with in-store promotions before, or this is your first time, our dedicated team will talk you through the process, from ideation through execution. Then, we’ll watch your numbers soar. 

Learn about how we value partnership here at Insignia. And sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about all things Insignia.

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