Katie McDonald

Project Success Manager

AKA Cheeseaholic

At Insignia since 2019

As one of our project wizards, Katie facilitates all the details from the sales team, vendors, retailers, and shipping managers to execute projects with excellence. She loves working with new and unique brands to depict their stories as they launch into retailers using displays and other tactics. Leveraging the strengths of her partners, Katie strives to exceed brands’ goals and standards.

Fun fact: I once slept in the Sahara Desert under the stars

Hobbies: Spending time with family, gardening, and spending time at the lake in the summer

What is a trend you hope makes a comeback?

Physically reading a book in your hands

What are three of your favorite things?

  • Cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Sunshine

Meet the rest of the team

Adam May profile

Adam May

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Sarai Konerza profile
Director of Sales

Sarai Konerza

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Erika Rahm holiday photo
Director of Sales

Erika Rahm

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